What is CBDA? Everything You Need to Know About CBDA vs CBD

CBDA is one of the many cannabinoids found in cannabis. Learn all about this little-known cannabinoid, and how it differs from the highly-popular compound CBD.

In your relentless pursuit for information on CBD, you’re likely to at some point come across the term CBDA, or cannabidiolic acid. Like CBD, CBDA is a well-known compound native to cannabis plants, including both marijuana and hemp. The two compounds have a natural relationship, as CBDA is the acidic precursor to CBD.

CBDA has generated less attention from media and scientific researchers than CBD, but CBDA benefits also deserve acknowledgment.

Even with their connection and both being cannabis-derived compounds, CBDA and CBD have distinct differences. Here we answer the common question — What is CBDA? — as well as explore CBDA vs CBD, and what their differences and benefits mean for you.

What is CBDA?

CBDA, or cannabidiolic acid, is one of the many cannabinoids produced by cannabis plants. First isolated in 1996, CBDA is found most abundantly in raw marijuana and hemp material and is the acidic precursor to CBD.

In raw cannabis, including fresh cannabis leaves and flowers that have not been dried, cured, or heated, the active compounds are found in the form of acids, such as CBDA.

Cannabis compounds go through major transformations over time and as they dry or are exposed to heat. These inactive cannabinoid acids have an added carboxyl ring attached to their molecular chain. Slowly over time, or instantly once they’re heated, they lose their acidic carboxyl group and break down into more active compounds. CBDA, for example, transforms from its raw form into the highly-sought-after active compound CBD through a heating process called decarboxylation.

People who juice raw cannabis enjoy a considerable serving of CBDA. The compound can also be found in raw hemp oil products, including CBD oil concentrate kept in its raw, natural state. This raw CBD oil containing CBDA can also be found in tinctures, capsules, and more.

CBDA Benefits


CBDA and CBD are both cannabinoids, a class of chemical compounds produced by the cannabis plant. There are an estimated 113 cannabinoids in cannabis, but they’re present in varying concentrations depending on the variety of the plant, and whether the plant’s materials have been decarboxylated.

CBD is present in only very small amounts in growing cannabis plants. Instead, most CBD initially exists as CBDA, and it isn’t until the plant is cut, dried, and heated that CBD is formed.

Like CBD, CBDA is a non-intoxicating compound which means it doesn’t cause any euphoric effects when consumed.

Cannabinoids like CBDA and CBD interact with the body through its endocannabinoid system, a regulatory network that alters the release of neurotransmitters in the brain to keep functions in balance. However, CBDA and other acidic forms of cannabinoids don’t affect the body’s endocannabinoid system in the same way that their decarboxylated forms, like CBD and THC, do. 

Potential CBDA Benefits

Rather than bind directly with the endocannabinoid system’s receptors, CBDA interacts with the endocannabinoid system by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme. CBA is also thought to influence serotonin-related 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors.

CBDA benefits that have been discovered so far appear to be related to the compound’s influence on the endocannabinoid system and 5-HT receptors. CBDA benefits are only just beginning to be fully understood. Researchers are still investigating CBDA and how the compound may be able to promote health and wellness.

Healthy serotonin levels and a more efficient endocannabinoid system will lead to overall better health. Tasked with promoting homeostasis within your body, the endocannabinoid system keeps a long list of functions in balance, allowing the body to thrive and helping you to generally feel better.

Research into CBDA benefits is not as robust as more prominent cannabinoids like CBD. However, early promising studies indicate possible natural health benefits.

CBDA For Sale

If after comparing CBDA vs CBD you’re interested in adding natural CBDA benefits to your everyday wellness routine and are looking for CBDA for sale, Real Scientific Hemp Oil® (RSHO®) provides raw hemp oil products in its Green Label.

The CBD oil found in Green Label products is the closest of all RSHO® types to the organic makeup of the natural hemp plants. The oil is not decarboxylated after being extracted from the hemp plant, so the resulting oil is kept in its raw form– akin to juicing the hemp. RSHO® Green Label is actually higher in CBDA than CBD and is a good choice if you’re looking to experience the natural effects of cannabinoids that are in their acidic form, including CBDA.

RSHO® Green Label is available in the form of a hemp oil concentrate packaged in a convenient oral applicator tube, hemp oil capsules, and hemp oil liquids and tinctures.

Derived from hemp, RSHO® Green Label products with CBDA are legal in the United States.

Future of CBDA

In the short period since scientists have been familiar with CBDA, the compound has not been considered a viable beneficial compound. Compared to CBD, CBDA is much more unstable because of the natural process of decarboxylation.

Relatively new research from renowned cannabinoid scientist Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, however, suggests a potentially bright future for CBDA. At a cannabis conference in California in September 2019, Dr. Mechoulam announced that he and his team had found a way to transform unstable cannabinoid acids like CBDA into more stable compounds that still interact with the body and its systems in the same way.

Dr. Mechoulam explained that his research team was able to stabilize CBDA by converting it into a methyl ester derivative called HU-580. This new compound appears to still influence the COX-2 enzyme and 5-HT receptors in the same way that CBDA does.

Researchers have just started scratching the surface of CBDA and there is still much to learn about the cannabinoid acid.

Learn More About Cannabinoids

Find much more information on cannabinoids like CBDA and CBD, as well as tips on how to use CBD oil products, by visiting our CBD Oil Education page.

Find CBDA for sale by browsing RSHO® Green Label products in the Medical Marijuana, Inc. online shop.

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Author: Kim Nunley