Cannabis News Videos
News videos about cannabis, which include various topics including the current legal status and legal battles regarding marijuana, both federal and state laws and changes thereto, and other general interest news topics.
Jeff Sessions’ marijuana move will backfire
Ron Paul and other lawmakers are calling for the resignation of Jeff Sessions after his rescindment of the Cole Memo and recusing himself from the Russia investigation.
Jeff Sessions nixes Obama era rules leaving states alone that legalize pot
Legal Pot States Prepare To Resist Jeff Sessions | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
New federal guidance raises questions for legal marijuana
California Towns Banking On Marijuana For Revitalization | NBC Nightly News
California’s marijuana muddle
The Guardian reports on the new issues that California will face after the new Attorney General rescinds the federal policy guidelines on federal enforcement of marijuana laws in states who have legalized marijuana for recreational use by popular vote of the people
How Legalized Marijuana Is Changing One California Town | Megyn Kelly TODAY
Why California Pot Legalization Will Sweep Across The Nation
The Young Turks discuss how marijuana will soon become legal in every state. Especially important is the corporate profit motivation to make cannabis legal.
Will California Weed Growers Survive Legal Marijuana? (HBO)
When marijuana was made legal in California, it also brought in other regulations about the presence of pesticide residues on the plant. The Vice team discusses the problem of weed tainted with pesticides and the laboratories being used to test for these residues. There are some issues that have been created by these new regulations.
Recreational marijuana sales begin in California
Marijuana: The Latest Scientific Findings and Legalization