Synthetic Marijuana, From Spurious To Authentic: K2, Spice, Marinol, And Sativex In Review

K2, Spice, and Others

K2, Spice, and Others

Headlines tell a frightful story: Again and again, we read about synthetic marijuana causing users to experience side-effects that range from debilitating stupor and psychosis, to coma and death.  To be sure, this is no media hoax.  According to Newsweek’s June 11th, 2015 article entitled “Synthetic Marijuana Deaths Tripled This Year”, author Max Kutner explicates on this headline.  The details are saddening.

Emergency Room. Credit: Scoot & White Health Care.

Emergency Room. Credit: Scoot & White Health Care.

By now, we all know that synthetic marijuana is harmful and can be deadly in some instances.  However, most of us don’t really know what synthetic marijuana even is.  First, what it is not.  Synthetic marijuana is not hydroponically grown weed.  In fact, it’s not marijuana at all.  It contains chemicals that are not ever found in any type of marijuana, in any form.  While marijuana is essentially nonlethal, “synthetic marijuana” is definitely a dangerous, potentially deadly intoxicant.


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